Wednesday, September 30, 2009

REVIEW - Pièce de Résistance

Title: Pièce de Résistance
Author: Sandra Byrd
Genre: Christian chicklit
Grade: A+

This is the third in the French Twist series.  In this one, Lexi is back in Seattle as assistant manager of the new Delacroix family bakery, Bijoux.  This one is a more high end bakery, for wedding cakes and business catering.  Lexi finds that she's having a hard time being the manager, as she just wants to bake.

The job is harder than she thought it would be, and she's the one that has to make sure Bijoux succeeds, so she's under a lot of pressure.  She comes up with a lot of great marketing ideas, but she doesn't know if any of it will pan out.

She's also got two men in her life.  Dan, who we met in Let Them Eat Cake, and Philippe (with his daughter Celine), from Bon Appetit.  Both of whom are in Seattle, and she feels torn between them.

My review:
Oh, how I LOVED this book!  I got it in the mail yesterday, and decided to finish the other book I was reading first, since I had less than 100 pages to go.  But then I picked this up, and didn't stop reading except to sleep and go out to dinner with friends (and I would have rather been reading!).  It also took every ounce of strength I had not to flip to the back of the book to see how it ended.  I don't know why I feel such a connection to these characters and this story, but I do.

This is an example of first person narrative done right.  I love Lexi, and don't remember a time in all three books where I found her whiny or annoying.  I loved all the secondary characters, even the ornery ones who grew on Lexi and the reader throughout the book.  And I just adore little Celine!

At the beginning of the book, I started feeling a little let down.  I could see the story wasn't going how I wanted it to go.  But Sandra Byrd knows what she's doing, and soon I was swept away in the story, and it ended perfectly, and I cried, and I want to read ten more books of this series, but it's over.  This is my favorite series ever, and I would highly recommend it!  Let Them Eat Cake remains my favorite book of the series, but Pièce de Résistance was a beautiful ending to the story.  Très bien!


Unknown said...


I couldn't have said it better! This is definitely one of my favorite series, too. :o)


Jess said...

It sounds like I need to check out this series as well. I have an award for you lovely lovely blog here:

Melissa said...

Didn't it just make you want to bake cake? LOL.
The one thing I didn't care for about this book (and series as a whole) is that while the recipes *seemed* to go with the stories, they rely on convenience boxed products rather than from scratch (as you know Lexi would do!)